Flags, Flip Flops and Flamingos

hurricane hazard warning be smart take part prepareWhile many people think of June as the month of weddings and graduation, there’s far more to celebrate in these 30 days.

Let’s start with June being the national month of bathroom reading, accordion awareness and skyscrapers! The folks at DaVinci Roofscapes also want you to know it’s Disaster Preparedness Month and National Recycling Month (more on these in another blog when we tell you how polymer roofing can help you and your family!) … and, unbelievably, it’s World Naked Bike Ride Month!

We hope you’ll keep your clothes on for National Sun Safety Week in early June and Duct Tape Days on June 13-15. Any, you may definitely choose your own attire for the start of summer on June 21 and Father’s Day on June 15. However, on June 20 foot attire is definitely designated because that’s National Flip Flops Day!

Now, don’t panic on June 18 even though it’s International Panic Day, because that’s also International Picnic Day and International Sushi Day. In case you don’t have enough reason to celebrate in June, here are a few other unique events to mark:

  • June 5 – National Moonshine Day
  • June 6 – National Doughnut Day
  • June 14 – World Juggling Day
  • June 23 – Pink Flamingo Lawn Decorations Day
  • June 30 – National Ice Cream Day