Is it Real or is It DaVinci?

"There's not a week that goes by when someone passing by doesn't remark on our 'real slate' roof. I enjoy explaining about the benefits of our DaVinci polymer roof and have no worries now about future storms in our area. This roof can handle it."  Michael Klappa, a resident of the Lionsgate community in Overland Park, Kansas

At DaVinci Roofscapes, we hear this kind of comment quite a bit. People are actually surprised that our imitation slate roofing tiles look so close to the real thing that they can't tell the difference between what's real and what's composite roofing.

We take that as a compliment. After all, we're constantly seeking to improve the authentic profiles of our fake slate and composite shake roofing. The closer they look to natural slate and cedar roofing, the better they'll look on the home.

Try it for yourself … which of these pictures is real slate and which is manufactured slate?

Fake Slate


Did you guess the second one as real slate? Then we fooled you … actually, the third one is natural slate while the first two images show our DaVinci synthetic slate roof shingles.

While pictures can be tricky, there's no kidding around when it comes to the benefits of simulated slate roofing over a natural slate tile roof. Our man-made product features lightweight roofing tiles that install faster and easier than heavy natural slate, plus they provide maintenance-free peace-of-mind for homeowners for decades. (See To Slate, or Not to Slate … That is the Question)

So, if you're ready to invest in a new luxury roof and have slate roof tiles on your mind, visit our comparison chart to learn the many benefits of synthetic slate roofing.