No “Weather Woes” According to DaVinci Homeowners

Whether you live in an area prone to severe winds, hail or even close to wildfire activity, homeowners investing in synthetic shake or slate roof tiles from DaVinci sleep better at night.

slate gray roof

According to Traverse City, Michigan resident Al Ruggirello, he’s so pleased with how his DaVinci roof stands up to Mother Nature that he’s working with his community to have the composite roofing product installed on cottages at his golf club.

“Traverse City experience ‘the 100 year storm’ in August of 2015,” says Ruggirello. “Winds were clocked at 100+ mph, and thousands of trees were uprooted and toppled. Our home took the brunt of the storm. Our roof held up perfectly! No lost tiles and no leakage.”


slate roof

“We’ve had 70+ mph winds and small hail here in recent years, but we have no worries,” says Iowa homeowner Raymond Knoff. “I had a friend call and ask about our roof for his friend who experienced severe roof damage due to hail in 2016 and 2017. I referenced an article stating that every roof was destroyed in our neighborhood except the DaVinci roof.”

In Nichols Hills, Oklahoma, Dean Imel was happy to see his son-in-law invest in a DaVinci roof based on his personal experience. “I live in Oklahoma and I know my roof will survive because I’ve seen it with my own eyes,” says Imel. “My advice is: if you’re tired of the cycle of replacing your roof with every hail event and losing money, then pay a bit more and get peace-of-mind with DaVinci.”

Traveling westward to California, homeowner Gary Ackerman confirms what others are saying. “I’m very pleased with my DaVinci roof,” says Ackerman. “There have been no leaks or incursions despite the recent harsh winter we just experienced. The roof still looks great.  I recommend the product to anyone who asks about it.”


Emilio Ricci takes his roof interest a bit further. “Anyone who talks to me about roofing, I tell them about DaVinci shakes. I even have some leftover samples I show them. We get people who pass by and comment on the beautiful roof … it looks good and people notice.”