DaVinci’s Spookiest Installation – A Haunted Tavern

This week's TV line up is chalk full of all of our favorite shows' Halloween episodes. If you're a cable junkie (as I am) you've probably noticed that every channel is turning spooky for the week and running mystery shows, ghost stories, and featuring other strange or scary places or events

Fake Cedar ShakeSo, in that spirit, today's post is going to feature the spookiest DaVinci Shake installation I know about Jean Bonnet Tavern – in Bedford, Pennsylvania. A 1760s historic landmark, the tavern is said to be haunted. Several ghost sightings and odd events have taken place in this tavern. If you are willing to be a little creeped out, click here to read some of the folklore surrounding this tavern!

Back in 2006 the owner of this establishment, Melissa Jacbos, contacted me about putting a composite shake roof on the gift shop and (a few months later) the tavern she owned. She was interested in something that was Class A Fire Rated and was easier to maintain than natural shakes. The building is a registered national landmark so complete authenticity was required. A synthetic cedar shake roof, in the Weathered Gray blend, was purchased and installed without any interference from the ghosts that frequent the restaurant (so they must approve)!

Happy Halloweeen everyone!